Thursday, February 25, 2010


I got a message from a friend in church one day asking me to design a logo crest for the YouthMinistry's Tchoukball team, and he very kindly email-ed me the sketch and the requirements for what he wanted. Being a procrastinator I forgot about it for about half a week before finally rushing it up in one full day. It was fun taking inspiration from old woodcut pictures and illustrations and using simple shapes to represent things in the individual sections of the crest.

 above are is the original sketch by Song Yang and the photoshopped version by me respectively. the images are (from top left clockwise) the bell tower from our main church building (Wesley Methodist), the Vanda Miss Joaquim, a Tchoukball player, and the Fort Canning Entrance. (Right-click to view larger images)
Layout for the tee-shirt print. The final layout and font was chosen by Song Yang. Everything was done in Photoshop CS4. (Right-click to view larger image.)

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