About five days ago I got a call from my friend, mentor Andrew Lai, asking me to meet up with him to discuss about a poster illustration for FUSION 2009, a church outreach even that takes places annually. The theme was THEN,NOW,THERE, and we came up with the concept of having the past, present and future image of a person.
photo resource for the unsure future representation. of someone answering god's calling through faith. I nearly lost sleep over the drawing of fingers. I hate/love drawing hand gestures; it's something I try to look forward to learning.
illustrations drawn using chinese ink and pen nibs. I would like to learn to use nibs more delicately to create more fluid lines.
He resent it to me with a touch of magical post production. I really liked this version. Andrew wasn't convinced though, so i tweeked the work abit and resent it to him for the final colour output.
final post production by andrew lai. Both of us agreed that it looked pretty cool. I commented about how the red reminds me of the AKIRA comic series.